
March, 15

Verkhovna Rada has adopted a law against corruption. 330 MPs have supported the text proposed by the President. Three articles were sent on second reading.

Ukrainians hide their real wages from the state, said today the Government Plenipotentiary for deregulation Mykhaylo Brodsky. "They all are employed at the minimal salary, and the rest they receive in envelopes", - Brodsky wrote in his blog. “Ternopil is main outsider: the average salary is 1,660 UAH. I do not believe ",- wrote the official.

Analysts of opposition party “Batkivschyna” have estimated inflation rate in 2010 on 42%. Consumer Price Index, according to the party, was 142.3% instead of 109.1% as the government stated. According to analysts, the average food basket in December 2010 has reached 57.3% of the Ukrainians’ income. The party considers that the government understates the rate of inflation deliberately.

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