The latest breaking news from Ukraine in English

​Ukrainian crisis: January 10

The latest events from Ukraine.

​Ukrainian crisis: January 10
beheaded Lenin

LB.ua chronicles the latest events in Ukraine in English for foreign readers.

Read previous articles on the topic:

Ukrainian crisis: January 8

Ukrainian crisis: January 9

8:00. So-called 'hawks - pro-Russian elite groups that support the integration of Ukraine into the Customs Union and implement the strategy of 'cut-off' of President Viktor Yanukovich from Europe and the USA - are gaining greater strength among the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities. A detailed review of the Russian-Ukrainian agreements concluded on December 17 between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and his Russian counterpart President Vladimir Putin has been prepared by the Gorshenin Institute experts and published on LB.ua.

8:22. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara at a meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt urged foreign partners to be objective in assessment of internal processes in the country.

8:35. Strikes at enterprises called for by the opposition will not help to solve political problems, but will lead to economic instability, said Libor Rouček, Czech politician and Member of the European Parliament with the Czech Social Democratic Party.

9:00. The opposition ´Svoboda´ fraction leader Oleg Tyagnibok urges Euromaidan protesters to resist calls for the Maidan impartiality, saying it´s a technology used by the Presidential Administration.

9:34. Unidentified men beheaded statue of Lenin in the regional center Mashevka of Poltava region on Friday night, January 10.

10:25. Euromaidan commandant, lawmaker from the opposition faction 'Batkivshchyna' Arsen Avakov said that the Maidan will unveil regular reports of incidents created by self-defense units acting there.

10:57. Leader of the opposition party 'UDAR' Vitali Klitschko said in spring that the opposition will present its own government that will be able to change and reform the country.

11:24. About 300 people are picketing Kyiv Pechersk district court demanding the closure of criminal proceedings against former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer Sergei Vlasenko who's been accused of beating his ex-wife Natalya Okunskaya.

12:00. Something similar to a surveillance device has been found in a car of one of Euromaidan activists.

12:17. Education Minister Dmitry Tabachnik said that currently not a single Ukrainian university is on strike in support of Euromaidan.

"Declaring a strike in any higher education institution must comply with the procedure. This decision can be made solely on a labor conference", he said at a press conference.

13:15. Several hundred people employed by the Ukrainian authorities picketed a house of the opposition 'Svoboda' faction deputy Igor Miroshnichenko.

13:18. Today Kyiv's Shevchenko district court refused to release Euromaidan activist Vladimir Kadura, told his lawyer Eugene Grushovets in a comment to LB.ua.

Kadura is suspected of driving a tractor on Bankova Street during the assault of the Presidential Administration on December 1.

13:32. An unidentified man tried to ram a convoy of Euromaidan activists who were heading to Pechersk District court to support former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer Sergei Vlasenko who's been accused of beating his ex-wife Natalya Okunskaya.

According to eyewitnesses this incident triggered a fight in which one of the activists received serious injuries.

13:46. Kyiv Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of Alexander Kotenko - one of the five detained for two months in the case of the brutal beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol.

14:10. Pechersk District court in Kyiv extended former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer Sergei Vlasenko commitment not to leave the country and Kyiv without police permission for another two months.

14:28. Auto-Euromaidan organizer Dmitry Bulatov said that the State Traffic Police is going to deprive driver's license from at least 911 members of the 'Automaidan' movement.

14:31. Auto-Euromaidan is going to picket a house of the acting commander of the 3rd чompany of Kyiv's Special Forces 'Berkut' Yevgeny Antonov, who lives in a village in Zhytomyr region. l

15:25. There are many politicians in the European Union who are glad that Vladimir Putin withdrew Ukraine from the EU agenda, said the Gorshenin Institute experts.

A detailed review of the Russian-Ukrainian agreements concluded on December 17 between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and his Russian counterpart President Vladimir Putin has been prepared by the Gorshenin Institute experts and published on LB.ua.

15:29. Euromaidan commandant, the opposition faction 'Batkivshchyna' lawmaker Arsen Avakov said the Maidan protesters have enough money to remain on Kyiv's Independence Square for a long time.

16:00. Part of of public organizations and activists said that they are leaving the Public Council of All-Ukrainian Union 'Maidan' after the recent events because it no longer performs its functions and it looks like its actions are coordinated by the Ukrainian authorities.

16:19. The European Parliament delegation will arrive to Ukraine on January 28-30.

It is expected that eurodeputies will meet Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, Prime Minister Nykolai Azarov, leaders of political factions, civil society and the European diplomatic corps.

16:33. Three people are still missing after the bloody dispersal of Euromaidan activists on the night of November 30, 2013. These are Oleg Brovko, Inna Grigoryan and Anatoly Shynkaruk.

17:11. Organizers of the first Euromaidan Forum in Kharkov, which is to be held on January 11-12, can't find a room for the meeting.

17:56. Eurodeputy Michael Galer suggested that the European Union may impose sanctions against some top Ukrainian officials in case the EU will find evidence of the illegality of their business in the member countries of the union.

18:32. European council president Herman Van Rompuy said that the European Union continues to support Ukrainians.

18:52. Committee on Foreign Relations of U.S. Senate will hold a hearing on the political situation in Ukraine on January 15.

19:37. There was a fight under Kyiv Svyatoshinsky district court in which several activists and journalists were severely injured, reported LB.ua correspondent from the scene.

Photojournalist Alexei Chernyshev suffered more than the others, but he refused to be hospitalized.

LB.ua photojournalist Max Levin received several blows to the legs, his camera was broken. He said that he was beaten by three or four employees of 'Berkut' special forces, who kicked him with their legs and batons. Security officials continued to beat Max Levin even after he said he was a journalist.

Also a piece of muscle on the leg of one of the activists was torn away. Moreover 'Berkut' employees seriously injured an elderly activist. Some other activists suffered minor injuries.

LB.ua correspondent reports that the police on the place were trying to calm 'Berkut' fighters who were beating the elderly man. As a result, one of the policemen was also injured by his 'Berkut' colleague, who did not understand who he was kicking.

Earlier this day Kyiv Svyatoshinsky district court sentenced so called 'Vasilkovsky terrorists' - Mosiychuk Igor, Sergei Bevza and Vladimir Bevza - to six years of jail. About 200 Euromaidan activists were blocking the court yard in order not to let the police to move the convicts to jail.

On August 26, 2011, three members of the nationalist organization 'Patriot of Ukraine' were taken into custody on charges of plans to demolish the monument to Lenin. Mosiychuk Igor and Sergei Bevz were deputies in Vasilkov City Council, and Vladimir Bevza - assistant deputy in Vasilkov City Council. Since then they've spent two years in jail.

21:23. Auto-Euromaidan activists are blocking buses of 'Berkut' special forces that took part in the dispersal of protesters at Kyiv Svyatoshinsky court.

22:08. Five activists were hospitalized following clashes with the special forces 'Berkut' under Kyiv Svyatoshinsky court.

22:35. Activists continue blocking 'Berkut' buses on Peremohy Avenue in Kyiv.

23:18. Automaidan participants made flat the tires of the buses caring 'Berkut' fighters. There are about 300 people now blocking those buses, including several dozen in helmets and masks.

00:31. Automaidan activists keep blocking 'Berkut' buses on Peremohy Avenue near Sviatoshyn police station.

There was a brief skirmish between activists and 'Bekrut' employees, which resulted in former interior minister and head of the public organization 'Ukrainian Third Republic' Yuriy Lutsenko's head injuries. 

1:44. Around 01:00 am activists let 'Berkut' soldiers get out from the buses and to Svyatoshin police station.

Activists have been blocking 'Berkut' buses for a few hours with the requirement to present their IDs and show their faces. Getting out of the buses some of them did show their faces, and some didn't. There are still a few hundred people there, and some new activists keep coming.

When getting out of the buses some of them did show their faces, and some didn't. There are still a few hundred people there, and new activists keep coming.

Read next: Ukrainian crisis: January 11