The latest breaking news from Ukraine in English

​Ukrainian crisis: January 9

The latest events from Ukraine.

​Ukrainian crisis: January 9
Фото: Александр Ратушняк

LB.ua chronicles the latest events in Ukraine in English for foreign readers.

Read previous articles on the topic:

Ukrainian crisis: January 8

Ukrainian crisis: January 7

8:16. Euromaidan members are going to picket the Ministry of the Interior, demanding to put an end to tyranny and terror against the Maidan activists.

8:34. Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer Sergei Vlasenko calculated that the presidential powers of Viktor Yanukovich will end on March 30, 2014, since Yanukovych received credentials on his inauguration on February 25, 2010.

8:46. Head of the opposition party 'Svoboda' Oleg Tyahnibok told foreign ambassadors about the brutal beating of Andrey Ilienko, who was attacked after questioning about the march in honor of Stepan Bandera on December 1.

8:59. Unidentified men broke into the apartment of the opposition party 'Svoboda' activist Mikhail Kovalchuk, where they stole only 500 UAH ($60), digital camera and his wedding ring.

9:34. The next trip of a column of Auto-Euromaidan activists to a private residence of President Viktor Yanukovich 'Mezhigorie' will be unexpected, said social activist and member of road protests artist Sergei Poyarkov.

10:35. Euromaidan activists and opposition deputies of the Verkhovna Rada are picketing the Interior Ministry.

10:44. Unidentified men smashed the windows of the agitational bus of the regional organization 'Batkivshchyna' in Cherkassy.

10:48. Social movement AutoMaidan appealed to Ukrainians for charitable assistance.

'Earlier we coped on our own, our friends and colleagues partly supported us. But our financial capabilities and resources have depleted. We constantly buy gasoline, diesel fuel, car flags and pins (Ukraine, EU), stickers, tents, accessories for mobile units, modems, USB flash drives, pay for drugs, hospital and much more. All we do all we can with our hands and brains. Purchase and pay for the rest'.

Activists promise to provide a public report on the spent funds.

In addition to financial assistance, activists urge all concerned to participate in rallies, video shooting, provide legal aid and much more.

11:07. Ukraine is preparing to launch a program of industrial cooperation with Russia worth tens of billions of dollars, said Prime Minister Nykolai Azarov said at a government meeting.

11:12. Another criminal proceeding has been initiated against activist and journalist of 'Traffic Control' Andrei Dzindzya. According to his lawyer Alisa Smaliy an accident he's been accused of happened a year ago.

For the moment Dzindzya has been staying in custody for a month - he was accused of involvement in the assault of the Presidential Administration on Bankova Street on December 1.

11:21. Prime Minister Nykolai Azarov said that Ukraine has the necessary tools and resources to ensure stability and development in 2014 in the case of consolidation of society.

11:23. On the night on the 8th of January unidentified men doused Brilliant Green on the door of the apartment where 73-year-old mother of artist and Auto-Euromaidan activist Sergei Poyarkov lives.

11:44. Ukrainian opposition is solely responsible for the seizure of municipal buildings in the center of Kyiv, said Polish eurodeputy Krzysztof Lisek. He also said that nationwide strike planned by the opposition will cause a drop of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Ukraine.

11:59. Negotiation process over creation of a 'winning team' in the ranks of the opposition happens at the level of the leaders of the 'Batkivshchyna', 'UDAR' and 'Svoboda' factions, said lawmaker from the opposition party 'UDAR' Vitaly Chugunnikov in his comment to LB.ua, commenting on Arseniy Yatsenyuk's words that soon the opposition will present 'pro-European and pro-Ukrainian unified Ukrainian winning team'.

'This happens at the level of Vitali Klitschko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Oleg Tyagniboka', said Chugunnikov.

12:00. Journalist Tatyana Chornovol, battered in December 2013, may sue President Viktor Yanukovich.

12:28. Renowned Ukrainian philosopher and dissident Yevgeny Sverstyuk says considers Western Ukraine more advanced than Eastern

'In Western Ukraine it feels much freer. There is more development, and cultural development is higher, and has always been higher. Difference at the level of communication, level of development, level of culture, level of public relations', - said Sverstyuk.

13:07. Kyiv's Euromaidan activists will travel to Lugansk to support local protesters on January 10.

13:08. Ex-Foreign Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Ogryzko said that the Ukrainan government should not expect real sanctions from the United States after the adoption of the resolution on Ukraine by the American Senate.

13:28. The opposition plans to hold another National veche on Kyiv's Independence Square this Sunday, January 12.

13:47. Unidentified men beheaded statue of Lenin near council of Poberezhnoe village in Vinnytsia region.

14:27. Acting Head of Kyiv City State Administration Anatoliy Holubchenko said that the power outage at Kyiv's Independence Square on January 7 had been caused by some failures in the computer program.

15:15. About one thousand people are staging prayer for the Ukrainian people on Svobody Avenue - Lvov Euromaidan.

15:35. All-Ukrainian Union 'Maidan' demands the opposition to nominate a single opposition candidate in the presidential election, to start blocking the Verkhovna Rada and to achieve the dissolution of parliament.

15:56. Auto-Euromaidan activist Dmitry Bulatov says that somebody has tried to pick the lock of his car.

16:10. Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko acknowledged the fact of use of excessive force against peaceful protesters. He also said there are many radicals among the opposition, who aren't controlled by the opposition politicians and are constantly heating up the situation in Ukraine.

16:40. Lawmaker, co-chair of the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee EU-Ukraine and Foreign Minister in 2009-2010 Petr Poroshenko will represent Ukraine at the annual informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Lithuania.

16:47. Kyiv City State Administration stated that Euromaidan activists used paper spray against its employees, who tried to enter the City Hall.

17:22. Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko demanded to amend the law on non-prosecution of Euromaidan activists.

'According to Vitaly Zakharchenko, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is ready to apply this law within its powers. However, it should turn out a mechanism for its application in the current legislation. Representatives of the Interior Ministry are ready to participate in the working group, whose members will turn out this mechanism', says the statement on the website of the Interior Ministry.

18:12. The opposition has sent documents on the cases of detained Euromaidan activists to the European Court of Human Rights.

19:25. Former lawmaker of the opposition 'Batkivshchyna' party, Yulia Tymoshenko's defender Sergey Vlasenko said that All-Ukrainian Union 'Maidan' offered the opposition obviously impracticable conditions - to nominate a single opposition candidate in the presidential election, to start blocking the Verkhovna Rada and to achieve the dissolution of parliament.

19:37. Auto-Euromaidan organizer Dmitry Bulatov has been called for another questioning at the Interior Ministry of Ukraine.

19:50. Police arrested a suspect of using paper spray against the employees of Kyiv City State Administration.

20:16. Journalist Tatyana Chornovol injured as a result of her beating should be treated at the hospital for at least another 6-7 days, said former health minister, scientist-neurosurgeon Nykolai Polishchuk.

20:30. Continuation of negotiations between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on lending program of the Ukrainian economy depends on the position of the Ukrainian authorities on this issue, said deputy head of the Washington IMF External Relations Department William Murray.

22:19. Leader of the opposition party 'UDAR' Vitali Klitschko says the presidential elections in Ukraine may be held in 2014.

Read next: Ukrainian crisis: January 10