The latest breaking news from Ukraine in English

Ukrainian crisis: December 21

The latest events from Maidan.

Ukrainian crisis: December 21
Фото: Макс Левин

LB.ua chronicles the latest events in Ukraine in English for foreign readers.

Read previous articles on the topic:

Ukrainian crisis: December 19th

Ukrainian crisis: December 20

10:19. "Residents of Kyiv" under the cover of police are planning to dismantle barricades on Kyiv's Independence Square.

A man, who introduced himself as Ivan Protsenko (his page in Facebook says he is from Odessa) filed an application to Kyiv State City Administration (KSCA) so that he and other 'residents' of Kyiv could voluntary clear barricades.

10:58. Prime Minister Nykolai Azarov claims that negotiations on an Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union continue despite the statements made by the EU.

11:50. Only four men came to dismantle barricades in the centre of Kyiv.

13:56. A pair of young Kyivites celebrated their wedding on Maidan.

15:16. A former head of Kyiv's Shevchenko district administration Victor Pilipishin forbade the Maidan protesters to spend the night in his exhibition centre 'Kyivexpoplaza'.

17:53. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the agreement between Ukraine and Russia, signed on December 17, have confirmed their mutual disposition to work constructively within the framework of the Eurasian integration structures.

Read next: Ukrainian crisis: December 22