The latest breaking news from Ukraine in English

​Ukrainian crisis: December 22

The latest events from Maidan.

​Ukrainian crisis: December 22
Фото: Макс Левин

LB.ua chronicles the latest events in Ukraine in English for foreign readers.

Read previous articles on the topic:

Ukrainian crisis: December 20

Ukrainian crisis: December 21

10:20. The Auto-Euromaidan activists picketed apartment, where Ukraine's interior minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko is registered.

10:35. The opposition party "UDAR" says waiting for arrests of the opposition leaders and opposition people's deputies.

11:50. A new petition - to take all legal measures to release Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko - has been published on the White House website.

11:55. Leader of the ruling Party of Regions faction Alexandr Yefremov believes that Ukraine's European integration would cost the country $180 billion over the next ten years.

12:21. Around 20 thousand people are holding a meeting on Kyiv's Independence Square.

12:45. A few thousand people gathered for a rally in support of the current government in Kyiv near the Parliament in Mariinsky Park.

13:05. Former interior minister and head of the public organization 'Ukrainian Third Republic' Yuriy Lutsenko announced the creation of a non-partisan organization 'Maidan'.

13:34. The opposition party 'Svoboda' leader Oleg Tyagnibok called on the Maidan protesters to block all administrative buildings in Kyiv.

14:07. The opposition leaders - Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Vitali Klitschko and Oleg Tyahnibok - announced a plan of action for Euromaidan.

Yatsenyuk said that a public organization 'Maidan" should announce political demands, among which - the resumption of the balance of power in Ukraine. He also said that after the creation of the public organization 'Maidan', the Ukrainians who are "against corruption, against corrupt judges, against the brutal police" should become in members.

Vitali Klitschko called on the protesters to celebrate Christmas and New Year at Independence Square in Kiyv. He also thanked all Ukrainians who are not indifferent to the situation in Ukraine and want to change it.

Deputy chairman of the opposotion faction 'Batkivshchyna' Alexander Turchinov said that a self-government of Kyiv, created by the opposition, had decided to liberate Kyiv Khreschatyk Street from traffic. He also Turchinov also announced the resolution of 'People's Union Maidan'. According to the resolution, the protesters will stand up at Independence Square until Viktor Yanukovich will not hear the people's demands.

14:54. Former head of YUKOS company, Mikhail Khodorkovsky wished former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko 'a speedy release' and urged President Viktor Yanukovich to free at least one political prisoner in Ukraine.

15:25. Antimaidan in Mariinsky Park is folding its tent camp.

16:08. Euromaidan rallies were held in Lviv, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk.

16:58. Antimaidan adopted a resolution to call the 17th of December a 'Day of Ukraine's liberation from oppressive gas contracts signed by (former prime minister) Yulia Tymoshenko'.

18:55. Deputy of the European Parliament Michael Galer suggested checking on the European business of the Ukrainian businessmen who oppose the Association agreement with the EU.

20:40. The Ukrainian authorities adopted a decision on deportation of 200 foreigners, including the German political scientist Andreas Umland, who is also an assistant professor of political science at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

21:13. An exhibition of Ukrainian photographers has opened on Kyiv's Independence Square. LB.ua photojournalist Max Levin is one of the organizers of the exhibition.

Read next: Ukrainian crisis: December 23