The latest breaking news from Ukraine in English

​Ukrainian crisis: December 26

The latest events from Ukraine.

​Ukrainian crisis: December 26

LB.ua chronicles the latest events in Ukraine in English for foreign readers.

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Ukrainian crisis: December 24

Ukrainian crisis: December 25

8:14. Law 'On elimination of negative impacts and prevention of the prosecution and punishment in connection with the events that took place during the peaceful assemblies' signed by President Viktor Yanukovich on December 23 takes effect today.

9:20. Euromaidan activists are guarding Tatiana Chornovol's house.

9:43. The Interior Ministry denies involvement in political parties and political activity of the driver of Porsche Cayene, detained on suspicion of beating journalist Tatiana Chornovol.

9:56. Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili has not received formal notification of the prohibition of entry to Ukraine, but says that during his last visit to Kiev in early December there were some difficulties at the airport 'Borispol'.

10:06. About 500 people began picketing the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv, demanding a thorough investigation and punishment for those responsible for the brutal beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol.

10:37. Former interior minister and head of the public organization 'Ukrainian Third Republic' Yuriy Lutsenko thinks that the government won't allow former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko take part in the next presidential election in 2015.

11:12. Journalists in Lviv, Donetsk and Rovno came out to protest because of the brutal beating of journalist and social activist Tatiana Chornovol.

11:26. Euromaidan activists are demanding the resignation of Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko.

12:04. International organization "Reporters without Borders" is conducting its own investigation into the brutal beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol.

12:22. Lutsk activist, deputy of the regional council regional Igor Guz house has been put under house arrest for two months on charges of calls for the overthrow of the government and taking President portraits out of the room of the Volyn regional council.

12:29. Kyiv's schoolchildren passed more than one hundred handmade Christmas toys to Euromaidan activists.

12:50. According to the documents passed to LB.ua by the sources in the Cabinet of Ministers, Ukraine is preparing to join the Customs Union. In February 2014 the Cabinet may consider an agreement on the common customs area, and in March - a Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission.

14:21. The headquarters of the national resistance will remain in the House of Trade Unions at least for another month, although lease expired, said deputy commandant of the building from the opposition party 'Batkivshchyna' Stepan Kubiv.

15:03. All-Ukrainian Union 'Svoboda' activists captured the first floor of the Municipal Enterprise 'Kyiv Metro'.

15:42. The Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Ukraine reclassified criminal proceedings on beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol from 'hooliganism' to 'grievous bodily injuries'.

16:02. Students picketed Chernovtsy City Council because of appeals of 23 deputies to the prosecutor's office to punish those responsible for blocking the City Council during the session on the 2nd of December.

16:15. Russian Orthodox Church is concerned about moods in Ukraine and believes that they can lead to disunity and spiritual blindness of Ukrainians. According to its statement, Europe will lead towards the emancipation of morals and the destruction of Ukrainian nation.

16:28. The Ministry of the Interior promised the opposition deputies to lift law enforcement checkpoints in the government quarter in the centre of Kyiv.

16:59. Lawmakers Nykolai Knyazhytskyy and Vitaly Yarema from the opposition party 'Batkivshchyna' and individual deputy David Zhvania have been called in for questioning on Tatiana Chornovol's beating.

17:01. According to a joint survey held by the Fund 'Democratic initiatives n.a. Ilka Kucheriv' and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), permanent Euromaidan participants overlook the protests in order to bring down the government and the president, early presidential elections and the release of all detained and arrested activists.

18:04. 'All-Ukrainian Union 'Maidan' created Praesidium Council and approved singer Ruslana Lyzhychko as its coordinator. The main task of this union is holding street protests across the country under the banner of the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovich.

18:21. Deputy of the opposition party 'Batkivshchyna' Vitaly Yarema was questioned over the beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol.

18:24. About 50 people are picketing the house allegedly belonging to Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko near the village Pidgirci in Obukhov district, Kyiv region.

18:45. Police arrested a third suspect into the beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol.

19:29. Journalist Tatyana Chornovol named several potential customers of her beating. She thinks her beating is It connected to her investigation on the activities of President Viktor Yanukovich, Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko and Attorney General Viktor Pshonka.

19:44. Auto-Euromaidan activists started receiving notifications from the traffic police on the need to come there with their cars and documents.

20:45. The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine opposes the draft of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) to the governments of the world to condemn the proposal of the brutal beating Tatiana Chornovol.

21:18. Deputy of the opposition party 'Batkivshchyna' Nikolai Knyazhytskyy said he did not know suspected in the case of the attack on Tatiana Chornovol.

22:29. Nikolai Knyazhytskyy was questioned over the beating of Tatiana Chornovol. He said he had nothing to do to with it.

23:06. Euromaidan activists in Dnepropetrovsk picketed the Regional Department of Internal Affairs on Thursday night.

23:15. Friends of Alexander Hramtsov, the suspect in the beating of journalist Tatiana Chornovol, claim that on the night of December 25 he was at the restaurant 'Khreschatyk' in the center of Kyiv.

Read next: Ukrainian crisis: December 27