
Online streaming of the IV National Expert Forum. Panel "Ukraine between two worlds"

News portal LB.ua is conducting a live online broadcast of the IV Expert Forum "From Revolution to a new country". Panel - "Ukraine between two worlds. Foreign policy strategy of the country in a global world".

The Forum is organized by the Gorshenin Institute.

Issues for discussion:

• Analysis of strategies of major global actors regarding Ukraine.

• Should Ukraine preserve the neutral no bloc state status? Prospective for the country’s involvement in collective security systems.

• New agenda of the Ukraine-Russia relations. What should be Ukraine’s foreign policy doctrine as for the Russian Federation?

• Armed conflict on Donbas. Ways for the de-escalation, role of the international community.


Andriy Deschytsia (acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine);

Florence Mardirossian (Chair of GEOPOLE EUROPE, Senior Political Advisor and Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Lyon);

Valeriy Chalyi (deputy director general of Razumko Centre);

Jan Tombinski (Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine);

Oleksandr Chalyi (expert on foreign policy, diplomat, deputy head of the Presidential Secretariat in 2006-2008);

Panel moderated by: Sonya Koshkina, editor in chief of LB.ua internet publication